Welcome to the un-official Magnesium Home Page.
Although this was the first comprehensive magnesium home page, new entrants now claim "official" status.
We aim to provide a site for those interested in
magnesium metal production and the production of magnesium metal components. It grew from
the distinct lack of information on magnesium on the web (some have now copied some of my information).
This page has been designed for the following reasons:
We hope that you utilise this page to its full advantage and we look forward to your comments and suggestions. Just follow the links below.
General Magnesium information
Magnesium site of the month - Oakley magnesium sunglass frames!
Properties of Magnesium alloys
Australian Magnesium Company Profiles
Non-Australian Magnesium Company Profiles
Forthcoming Magnesium Conferences
The Magnesium Forum
Discussion on melt protection of magnesium
R & D organisations working with magnesium
Magnesium Production Statistics
Current WWW publishing thinking suggests that adding completely unrelated links to other sites on the web can vastly improve access to one's web site. As a result, on the bottom of each section of The Magnesium Home Page, we will add some unrelated links to sites that we think are worth checking out. Keep an eye out for them! Here are some to get you started:
Australian Net Guide MagazineFor more information and comments about this page please contact
Nigel Ricketts