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Forthcoming Magnesium Conferences
Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, Munich
Conference Title:
Magnesium 2000
Conference Sub-title:
Place of Conference: Munich, Germany
Conference Dates: September 27-28, 2000
Conference Venue: ICM - International Congress Centre, Munich
How to get further information:
Hamburger Allee 26
Frankfurt, Germany
Ph: +49-69-7917 758
Fax: +49-69-7917 733
E-mail: magnesium@dgm.de
Web Page: www.magnesium.dgm.de
SF6 and the Environment
Conference Title:
SF6 and the Environment: Emission Reduction Strategies
Conference Sub-title:
Place of Conference: San Diego, CA, USA
Conference Dates: November 2-3, 2000
Conference Venue: Wyndham Emerald Plaza, San Diego
How to get further information:
Scott Bartos
Ph: +1-(202) 564 9167
E-mail: Scott Bartos at the US EPA
Web Page: www.epa.gov/highgwp1/sf6/
Thermec'2000, Las Vegas, December 2000
Conference Title:
International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
Conference Sub-title:Magnesium Alloys and Applications
Place of Conference: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Conference Dates:December 4-8, 2000
Conference Venue: To be announced
How to get further information:
T. Chandra
Department of Materials Engineering
University of Wollongong
Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 2522
Ph: +61-2-42213113
Fax: +61-2-42214921
Web Page: Thermec'2000 Conference Web Page
TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, February 2001
Conference Title:
The 130th TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Conference Sub-title:Magnesium Technology 2001
Place of Conference: New Orleans, LA, USA
Conference Dates:February 11-15, 2001
Conference Venue: Ernest Morial Convention Center, New Orleans
How to get further information:
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
420 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15086, USA
Ph: (412) 776-9000
Fax: (412) 776-3770
Web Page: TMS Meetings Page and World Meetings Calendar
IMA Annual Meeting, Brussels, May 2001
Conference Title:
58th World Magnesium Conference
Conference Sub-title:
Place of Conference: Brussels, Belgium
Conference Dates:May 20-23, 2001
Conference Venue: Hilton Hotel, Brussels
How to get further information:
The International Magnesium Association
6731 Whittier Avenue, Suite C-100
McLean, Virginia, 22101, USA
Ph: (703) 442-8888
Fax: (703) 821-1824
Web Page: IMA Events Page
Unrelated Links
Current WWW publishing thinking suggests that adding completely unrelated links to other sites on the web can vastly improve access to one's web site. As a result, on the bottom of each section of The Magnesium Home Page, we will add some unrelated links to sites that we think are worth checking out. Keep an eye out for them! Here are some to get you started:
Lycos Search Engine
Alta Vista Search Engine
TUCOWS Download Software Site
Cybernet Cafe Melbourne
The information displayed on this page is provided for reference only. The editors do not endorse or in any way recommend the organisations listed and expressly excludes liability for and damage, loss or injury that a person may suffer as a result of any dealing with an organisation listed.
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For more information and comments about this page please contact
Nigel Ricketts